Friday, May 23, 2014

Special Orders

I love doing special orders and I love crocheting for friends even more. This project was both of those in one. I finally finished the Doily Table Runner that my best friend Joe ordered and it turned out beautiful. I don’t have a pattern for this as I made it up as I went along. I found random doily patterns and then just put them together to make the size that he needed. I love this so much I plan on making myself one very soon. And he loved it too! Here’s the pic that he sent me:

If you love this as much as I do but don’t want to make it yourself please contact me for pricing, prices vary depending on size.

I hope you all have a wonderful and long Memorial Day Weekend! I plan to crochet and crochet and crochet (oh, and clean a little).

Friday, May 16, 2014

Baby Showers

Good morning! One of the reasons that I am so happy with crocheting again is gift giving. I don't think there's anything better to give at a baby shower than something homemade. Homemade gifts are from the heart! The price of the yarn and materials are nothing, it's the time and love put into it. 

A sweet woman that I work with is expecting her first baby and I am so happy and excited for her! Once I found out that she collected owls I knew just the thing to make. This owl obsession blanket was perfect! It was surprisingly simple to work up and did not take but maybe a week. Here's my finished product:

Remember, I promised to start taking better pictures, well that was before that. :(

The other gift was an owl lovey. I had never heard of loveys until recently (my babies aren't babies anymore) and I think they are adorable. This was my first attempt and it didn't turn out so bad, although it did take awhile to wrap my head around the amigurumi part of crocheting. But it was fun! And I can't wait to do more of it. And here's my lovey:

Again, I'll start taking better pics! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Goodness, what a busy couple of months this has been! Before I get into my most recent projects I am so excited to share that I have started testing patterns for others at Ravelry. Oh my! This has been so much fun! I love following patterns and making new things so this has been perfect for me. I'm working on two "cupcake" hats right now and the first one is almost done and is adorable. 


was just last weekend and I finished my projects in the nick of time. I was so pleased with all 3 items that I made. I made HIS mom a shawl, but forgot to take a pic before I mailed it off *sigh*. HIS grandma got a shawl, too and my mom got the table runner (which she is hanging on the wall, go figure). I have gotten lots of compliments on the table runner, because it looks much more complicated than it was. It did take me longer than the shawls though. All were such fun to make. Tell me what you think!

I forgot to take a picture of this, too so my mom had to text me this one (I'm a goof). 

I as SO excited to get a message on ravelry asking me for permission to feature the shawl that I made for this grandmother, I only wish I had taken a better pic of it! My goal is to get better at remembering to take pictures and at the art of taking them (again, goof).

Well, that's about all I have for now. I wish that I had more time to blog! I enjoy sharing my tidbits and proejcts. Next I'll be working on a father's day gift, which may turn into his birthday gift. I also HAVE TO FINISH the table runner for my friend that I started too long ago, poor guy. Can't wait to share pictures of that! (hee hee)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I know that we haven't gotten to easter yet, but I'm already trying to find Mother's Day gift ideas. Between working on the doily runner, work, kids, yadayada, I'm spending my time searching for ideas. I would love to add some items to my website but more importantly I would love to WOW my mother and my fiance's mother and grandmother with some beautiful gifts. The first one that I found and that I'm leaning towards is this beautiful MOTHER table runner at I'm not sure who would get it, but I already have the yarn in my "shopping cart" at

I'm also leaning towards shawls, but I'm not sure who all uses shawls anymore....*sigh* handmade gifts are difficult but oh so worth it!

Stay tuned for more updates and please feel free to leave me some ideas!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Monday! (said with sarcasm) I started my  Monday with classic crappines by dumping a half a pot of hot coffee all over myself and my kitchen. *sigh* But this weekend had been beautiful and full of blessings. I went fishing (my other favorite pasttime) for the first time this year. Didn't catch anything and both Marlon and I broke our lines, but a bad day fishing still beats a great day doing anything else (crocheting excluded, of course). Also on Saturday I went to the Big Stitch University help by Knit and Crochet of Middle Tennesse every four months. This time I learned the basics of knitting from my friend Rebecca. I'm learning to knit and she's learning crochet so it was an even trade. it's always fun getting together with others with similar interests. Here's my first WIP:
It's going to be a scarf, hopefully, using the two stitches I know KNIT and PURL. Fingers crossed! It's looking lovely though.

The other thing that I'm working on is a doily table runner for my BFF Joe. This project is turning into quite an adventure! 

I took this picture several days ago, I have added a lot more to it BUT I'll be spending my lunch hour today ripping most of it out :( as it's starting to ruffle on the edges and it's not looking good. But the beatiful thing about crafting is that you can just make it work how you like, so I'll be frogging about 9 rows and then adding the last 5 rows to that. 

The other part of the adventure has been finding doily patterns, this is harder than it seems. There are website with doily patterns, but finding the right sizes, etc., has been tough. Here's the look I'm going for:

It's going to be beatiful! It's just going to take awhile. 

Until next time happy crafting!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Feels Like Spring!

With the weather (finally) turning I am feeling twitterpated! Found this adorable lady bug hat pattern awhile back and pinned it (pinterest obsessed).

This last weekend I was in the bug mood and decided to whip this little cutie up. The pattern is easy to follow and I crocheted this baby hat up in under 2 hours. Next time im going to make the pupils smaller but I liked using yarn instead of buttons. Sewing buttons on always makes me nervous.

You can find the pattern at and go follow me on pinterest. :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Long Time No See!

Hello! I disappeared for a little while, got lost in a pile of yarn. Boy have I been busy crocheting! I am absolutely in love with crochet and so glad that I started it up again, on a grander scale! A coworker of mine (actually his last day is today) even offered to make me a website to sell my stuff. So crazy cool. You can check it out at (My name is an acronym). He did a great job.

I have been making lots of different and new stuff, thanks to all the orders that I've been getting. My boss ordered a beautiful pair of victorian gloves....

But my favorite thing that I've made this month has been this easter set. The beanie is adorable and then you add the matching diaper cover and it's just darling! 

This has just been the most fun. I am working on a couple of secret things that I can't wait to be able to share but they're for a coworkers baby shower and I'd hate for her to find out ahead of time what I have in store for her and her little! 

Besides the 6 scarves that my boss ordered I'm also getting to make a table worker for my bff Joe. So very lucky to have so many random WIPs (work in progress). homework has been slipping a little. :( I promise I'll do better! On homework and posting.

Check back soon and hopefully I'll have some pictures of the table runner I'm working on (started it today in the office...shhhhhh).

And it's getting warmer outside! It actually feels like spring today. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH